Avast For Mac Gzip Js Scriptpe-inf [trj] 2018

  1. Avast For Mac Gzip Js Scriptpe-inf Trj 2018 Tax
  2. Gzip Js
  3. Avast For Mac Gzip Js Scriptpe-inf Trj 2018 Honda

Safari extension packer for node.js.

Just a JavaScript interface for xar-js

I clicked on a link to a news article on Yahoo and my Avast Anti-virus went off saying it aborted a connection with it because it was infected with the above trojan. I am newby to speeding up web pages and I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to put a compressed gzip javascript file into my html? I have compressed the js using YUI Compressor which gave me a gzip file and my current js is located at.

Project Setup

You need to have your private key, developer certificate and Apple certificates in separate files.Install openssl and put it to path if needed.

Open Keychain Access and export your Safari Developer certificate to sd.p12. Extract the private key by


However, this might output the private key in PKCS#1 format ('BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY').You want PKCS#8 ('BEGIN PRIVATE KEY'). Then you need to do one more step:

Then extract your certificate by

The Apple root and developer certificates are located in this project apple directory. Or you can export them from your keychain.

By the way, if you get an update Apple cerificate in DER (binary) form, you convert it into PEM by

Alternative: get all the certificates from an existing package

Avast For Mac Gzip Js Scriptpe-inf Trj 2018 Tax

This assumes you have your extension developer certificate set up and Safari can produce .safariextz packages.

Gzip Js

  • Download xar 1.6.1 from https://github.com/mackyle/xar (precisely this one or its fork, not 1.5.x, not 1.7.x)
  • ./configure and make it
  • xar -f package.safariextz --extract-certs .


Recent changes

Avast For Mac Gzip Js Scriptpe-inf Trj 2018 Honda

  • Switched from xar 1.6.1 to xar-js